

First day of class!
My school schedule is as follows:

scary web design class where I have to learn Flash, Dreamweaver, and basic html & css.

corporate identity design
bfa-level magazine class


I guess I'm not used to higher education because the fact that I'm taking almost all design classes blows my mind. In some ways it's scarier, because my expectations for myself are higher. In other ways, it seems really easy, like I can't believe I could possibly get a college degree for this.

The letterpress class is really open in the sense that we just get to pick a project to do. Any project. I've really gotta think of something cool. But of all my online letterpress research this is the coolest thing I've seen that's out there. It was pretty popular among the folks at the BYU graphic design department, but for those who haven't seen it, I thought I'd share (it's from cameronmoll.com):


Whittron said...

wow, what is it spelling?

MikeAlger said...

I'm confused about the rules of this letterpress project. Are all typefaces and fonts allowed? Are Greek, mathematical, ASCII, Chinese, etc. symbols allowed? No wingdings I should think. Can they symbols be distorted? I'm a man of rules!

laura said...

no rules. but the temple thing is not computer generated, it's handset. so, he was limited to the characters available, which tend to be old fashioned since this is now really old technology. i have the option of getting letterpress plates made of my digital work, however.

Matt and Suzanne said...

WOW Laura! Looks like this stuff is right up your alley~you're so talented and I am sure will do WONDERFUL! Keep us updated with how its going and good luck! LV U!

MiriamR said...

I love that temple. I haven't seen that before. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Miriam said...

I want a print of whatever you come up with! Sell them on Etsy. I'll buy.