

I often hear my mother's voice. I hear her when I've been too loud at parties, if I treated someone with a lack of consideration, or when I notice that the toilet needs a scrubbing. She is my voice of good will and I often hear her imagined encouragement to do the right thing. I like it most of the time.

My mother is also my greatest earthly constant. She has treated me with more encouragement, forgiveness, and patience than anyone in the face of my simultaneous lack of kindness toward her. In the absence of friends, boys to date, money, and success, she always available for meaningful conversation and a meaningless movie.

I hope to understand this kind of love someday.

I need to marry someone who takes care of me only half as well as she does.

Thanks mom.


Cambrienelson said...

I too can testify that she is a wonderful lady. She even had a positive influence on her children's friends.

Miriam said...

Also so slim in that picture. What a pretty mom!

Carroll said...

Gee! Thanks! No! I really mean thanks. You are a great daughter. So proud of you for many reasons. Same to you Cambrie and Mim. You are wonderful girls!