
moving forward.

Ok friends and family,

It's official: This blog is through. All of my writing efforts will now be poured into a graphic novel style memoir that I'm taking way seriously. We'll see how it goes; I'm excited.

The good news is that I have a new blog as equally egocentric and revealing as this one and possibly even more immature: I will be joining thousands of high school students across the world by posting a picture of myself daily. You will find my visual diary here: socialexplosion.tmblr.com.
I hope to expose weather conditions, love affairs, scenery, events, haircuts, and weight variations throughout the years.

It's been fun guys. Thanks to everyone who's ever bothered reading.


McKayJoice said...

Always loved the blog, thanks for writing.
Sad to see you go.

Excited for the graphic novel.
Best of Luck.

Whittron said...

I'm sad to see it go as well. I love your writing of your daily adventures.


Lindy said...

Man Laura, I just looked at your picture blog...you are so dang gorgeous! Well, it seems everyone has given up on blogging on my list....it makes mine feel a bit pointless, but it's the only "journal" I keep. Maybe I'll have to figure something else out.

Love ya